“…and I’m still here.”
A phrase that I have held onto for years. It’s a phrase that when I step back and look at my struggles, failed suicide attempt, and everything past that point, despite hardships and anything else life has thrown my way, I can say…” and I’m still here.”
It boils down to the fact that I am still here, breathing, and have opportunities ahead. This mentality helped me get through some of my darkest times.
Because I have a purpose.
If I weren’t supposed to be here, my life would have ended in that closet that evening. Instead, for some reason, I was kept here on earth.
If I can be even more vulnerable with you, I don’t know why. But I’m still here, which means I can choose to make the best of each day, the time I have with my family, and see how my talents, interests, and drive play out.
A few years ago, I had the creative idea of making a coffee-table photography book on mental health. For years, I’ve had the pages designed in my head, what they will look like, and what I want people to experience.
I picture this book at coffee shops, living rooms, and small businesses, where people can pick up a book filled with people’s stories about their struggles—some stories include how they overcame or currently cope. I want people to know they are not alone in their struggles, and while still here, there is purpose.
I want people to look into the eyes of the person on the page, read their story, and let it settle. I can imagine someone just looking at one person’s story and forgetting there are more pages.
It’s not meant to give advice, tell you what to do, or be a solution to mental health. Instead, it is something to sit with, settle in, understand, and empathize with. There’s no one-solves-all with mental health. To me, it’s about learning from each other. I think that when we can understand others and their perspectives, we can then take actionable steps towards “improvement” (whatever that means).
If anything, out of whatever comes from this project, I hope that no matter what someone is going through, that person can say, “and I’m still here.”
There’s a reason why you’re here. Look for ways you can help someone and share your talent and gifts. There is a purpose.